In urban areas, football faces the challenge of limited playing space and accessible facilities. However, these challenges also present opportunities for creative solutions. On a broader sporting level, investing in infrastructure can enhance the development of talent, improve accessibility, and further promote the growth of the beautiful game.

challenges and demands

In urban areas, football faces the challenge of limited playing space and accessible facilities. However, these challenges also present opportunities for creative solutions. On a broader sporting level, investing in infrastructure can enhance the development of talent, improve accessibility, and further promote the growth of the beautiful game.

Sport challenges

Dry and hot turf

Playing a football match or train on artificial grass has many advantages. For example, you can use the field in almost all weather conditions. A disadvantage is that contact at high speed under dry conditions can lead to dangerous situations. In a damp field there will be less physical discomfort when touched.

Sport challenges

Getting back to nature!

Ask a football player what type of surface plays best and you will probably be told that a natural grass field plays best. Artificial grass that can approximate a natural grass field is therefore absolutely preferred. By increasingly imitating the natural properties of natural grass, we are getting closer to this goal.

Sport challenges

Heat Island Effect

Conventional artificial turf football fields are known for creating discomfort for players, spectators, climate and the surrounding. Due to extreme temperatures up to 70 degrees Celsius which buildup on artificial fields on warm summer days players experience heavy discomfort. These situations can lead to hazardous situations. Artificial turf fields which provide a passage for water with a waterbuffer directly underneath the field provides cooling circumstances which make it safe for players to use the field, cancels the heat island effect and creates a climate adaptive field! Recently in Middenmeer – Amsterdam, The Netherlands such a field is installed for the players to enjoy.

City challenges

Building on every kind of surface

Football pitches are located on every conceivable surface. From rocks to peat and from sandy soil to clay. These different types of surfaces all require a specific way of building. The combination of BlueLay and Permavoid makes it possible to construct a sports field on any type of surface.

City challenges

Rubber infill, heazardous for the surrounding area

Many artificial football pitches have rubber infill. Rubber infill is a widely used product to give artificial grass fields the necessary sports technical properties. Recent research has shown that the migration of these rubber particles is harmful to the environment and must be prevented. Therefore different ways of creating the needed artificial technical properties have to be found.

City challenges

Abundant water

Water boards worldwide are faced with a form of flooding. During heavy rain showers, streets and sewers overflow. Football pitches won’t be available during and after heavy rainfall because these pitches will be damaged while playing under these conditions. This phenomenon will be counteracted by creating extra space to buffer rainwater and relieve the sewers.

That's why we developed these products

The solutions crafted by DutchBlue, in collaboration with a network of specialized partners to address the challenges previously outlined. The following innovative applications represent a robust response to the complex urban and sporting obstacles, offering a promising path forward for progress and growth in the field. Read more about the revolutionary solutions below.

what can we do for you?

We are committed that you receive our full support in managing stormwater for your sports projects. Get in contact and let's explore how you can optimize your projects.
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